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What Claims Help Can Do For You?

"We take the headache and pain out of your claim!"

AVS Claims Help assists you to get back the full amount of what you are owed by insurance companies, Pension funds, Government Departments, e.t.c. We take away the headache and pain out of your claim!

Road Traffic Accident

Lost and Damaged Luggage

Workman's Compensation

Pension and Shares

Road Traffic Accident

Lost and Damaged Luggage

Workman's Compensation

Pension and Shares

Road Traffic Accident

It is believed that the number of people who die in traffic accidents is much bigger than that of the people who have died with HIV/AIDS. AVS Claims Help is there to help to claim for your compensation in the case of a road accident.

Accident At Work

You may have been involved in an accident at work in an office environment, on a building site, shop, warehouse or factory.Let AVS Claims Help manage your claim to get compensation for loss.

Pension & Shares

Dealing with government departments, share holdings, arlines and financial institutions can be a complex and difficult process, therefore use AVS Claims Help to help you simplify the entire process and really take the pain away.

Travelling Oversees

In the case that your flight is significantly delayed, or is cancelled while you are travelling oversees, Let AVS Claims Help help you to prevent loss of hundreds of dollars.

Law of Delict in Zimbabwe

Our System of fault liability often results in gross injustice, and the only persons who can adequately exploit this system to their advantage are the wealthy. It is our objective to fill in this gap and provide claim legal support!

Slip, Trip or Fall

Slip, trip and fall are quite prevalent and are most common in public and work places. The worst of these kind of accidents can prove to be fatal but they can also lead to head injuries, back injuries, fractures and in the worst cases, paralysis.

Lost Luggage

Airlines are notoriously reluntant to do anything more than necessary for passengers when it comes to delayed, damaged or lost luggage. With AVS Claims Help you can claim a certain amount of compensation for unforeseen expenses.

Faulty Goods

Many times customers buy goods and turns out to be faulty and causes damage or injury. AVS Claims Help can help you to claim back the cost of putting right the damage, from the manufacturer.

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Protect yourself against insurance fraud:
While the vast majority of claims are legitimate, unfortunately, fraud sometimes occurs. If you suspect someone has committed fraud against you, or you have observed insurance fraud, please report this to us via our Contact Us page